[:es]Berger Ralf[:]

Ralf G. Berger

Institut für Lebensmittelchemie, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität 1977 Approbated Food Chemist 1982 Dr. rer. nat. 1986 Dr. Ing.-habil. 1973-1977 Study Food Chemistry, University of Stuttgart 1978-1979 Regional Food Research Centre, Stuttgart 1979-1982 PhD Study, Technical University of Munich, awarded “Thesis of the Year” 1982-1988 Scientific Assistant, Chemistry and Technology of Food, TU Munich 1988-1989 Associate Faculty Member, University of California, Davis, Dept. Food Science & Technology (Walt Jennings) Dept. Environmental Toxicology (Taka Shibamoto) 1990- Professor and Head, Food Chemistry, University of Hannover 1993 Offered the Chair of General Food Technology, TU Munich, refused 1997 Offered the Chair of Food Chemistry, TU Berlin, refused 2007-2009 Vice-Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences Main research areas Fungal enzymes & molecular biology, food flavours, colours & natural products Memberships GDCh, ACS, LChemG, DECHEMA Biotransformation & Food Biotechnology, Scientific Board FEI 2009-2019 & DFA 2012-2020, Co-Editor & Editorial Board Member of Scientific Journals. Publication and Patenting Records as by September 2017: > 400 SciFinder Citations, among them > 60 reviews & book contributions, 26 Patent Applications. Supervised theses > 60 PhD students, > 70 B.Sc. and M.Sc. students