7 comentarios en “333 – Influence of banana peel flour on the fermentation process of bread: follow-up of practice in a domestic environment.”
Dear author,
Your abstract has been Reviewed. In the attached file you will find the revised abstract. Please, consider all issues indicated in the text. You have 7 days from this notification to make the changes.
Once the revision is finished, upload the revised file without changing the name assigned to your document. Before sending the abstract again, please, check that there are no comments or corrections applied through the change control of the text processor.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee
Dear author,
Your abstract has been Reviewed again. In the attached file you will find the revised abstract. Please, consider all issues indicated in the text. You have 7 days from this notification to make the changes.
Once the revision is finished, upload the revised file without changing the name assigned to your document. Before sending the abstract again, please, check that there are no comments or corrections applied through the change control of the text processor.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee
Olá! Gostaria de esclarecer que o experimento foi desenvolvido em meio doméstico por estarmos em quarentena por causa da COVID-19, por tanto, não teve um painel de provadores para a análise sensorial. Somente foram observadas os atributos sensoriais básicos dos produtos elaborados e feito um comparativo entre ambos. Grata pela compressão!
Dear author,
Unfortunately, on this occasion, your abstract can not be accepted in the CICyTAC2022 congress. Based on the information presented in the text of the abstract, the reviews carried out during the evaluation process, and the comments of the authors; it is concluded that the experimental data collected in this work have not been obtained from validated methods, so the results lack experimental rigor.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee
Boa noite! O foco do artigo nunca foi o foco sensorial, sempre foi saber a influência que a farinha da casca da banana ocasionaria em uma nova formulação de pão e isso foi constatado no estudo, embora não tenha sido feito a análise sensorial, já que esse não era o objetivo do estudo. Isso não invalida os resultados obtidos, muito menos que ele não foi desenvolvidos de acordo com métodos validados. Todo o processo foi acompanhado pela minha professora orientadora e desenvolvido com o maior cuidado que a instituição preconiza. Gostaria de pedir que revisem, encarecidamente, o meu resumo e, se for preciso, eu faço as intervenções necessárias novamente. Grata pela compressão!
Dear authors,
The coordination of the Scientific Committee of the VIII International Food Science and Technology Conference has reviewed all the actions in relation to the abstract presented under the title “Influence of banana peel flour on the fermentation process of bread: follow-up of practice in a domestic environment”. One of the requirements to accept a scientific work is the possibility that the experiments that allow obtaining its conclusions can be reproduced. After analyzing the observations of the reviewers and the responses of the authors, this committee concludes that the aforementioned work lacks scientific rigor to be presented at the congress, since it is the replacement of a single level of banana flour, in the that only the way of determining the weight of the loaves is described, while it is not possible to know how the volume, the aroma, the crispness of the crust and the firmness of the crumb were determined. The lack of description of the way in which the experiments were carried out and the lack of relevance of the results obtained lead us to ratify the rejection of the work decided by the reviewers.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee
7 comentarios en “333 – Influence of banana peel flour on the fermentation process of bread: follow-up of practice in a domestic environment.”
Dear author,
Your abstract has been Reviewed. In the attached file you will find the revised abstract. Please, consider all issues indicated in the text. You have 7 days from this notification to make the changes.
Once the revision is finished, upload the revised file without changing the name assigned to your document. Before sending the abstract again, please, check that there are no comments or corrections applied through the change control of the text processor.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee
Adjunto: Rev_333_Influence-of-banana-peel-flour-on-the-fermentation-process-of-bread-follow-up-of-practice-in-a-domestic-environment.docx
Resumen corregido.
Adjunto: Rev_333_Influence-of-banana-peel-flour-on-the-fermentation-process-of-bread-follow-up-of-practice-in-a-domestic-environment-1.docx
Dear author,
Your abstract has been Reviewed again. In the attached file you will find the revised abstract. Please, consider all issues indicated in the text. You have 7 days from this notification to make the changes.
Once the revision is finished, upload the revised file without changing the name assigned to your document. Before sending the abstract again, please, check that there are no comments or corrections applied through the change control of the text processor.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee
Adjunto: Rev_333_Influence-of-banana-peel-flour-on-the-fermentation-process-of-bread-follow-up-of-practice-in-a-domestic-environment-2.docx
Olá! Gostaria de esclarecer que o experimento foi desenvolvido em meio doméstico por estarmos em quarentena por causa da COVID-19, por tanto, não teve um painel de provadores para a análise sensorial. Somente foram observadas os atributos sensoriais básicos dos produtos elaborados e feito um comparativo entre ambos. Grata pela compressão!
Adjunto: Rev_333_Influence-of-banana-peel-flour-on-the-fermentation-process-of-bread-follow-up-of-practice-in-a-domestic-environment-3.docx
Dear author,
Unfortunately, on this occasion, your abstract can not be accepted in the CICyTAC2022 congress. Based on the information presented in the text of the abstract, the reviews carried out during the evaluation process, and the comments of the authors; it is concluded that the experimental data collected in this work have not been obtained from validated methods, so the results lack experimental rigor.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee
Adjunto: Rechazado_333_Influence-of-banana-peel-flour-on-the-fermentation-process-of-bread-follow-up-of-practice-in-a-domestic-environment.docx
Boa noite! O foco do artigo nunca foi o foco sensorial, sempre foi saber a influência que a farinha da casca da banana ocasionaria em uma nova formulação de pão e isso foi constatado no estudo, embora não tenha sido feito a análise sensorial, já que esse não era o objetivo do estudo. Isso não invalida os resultados obtidos, muito menos que ele não foi desenvolvidos de acordo com métodos validados. Todo o processo foi acompanhado pela minha professora orientadora e desenvolvido com o maior cuidado que a instituição preconiza. Gostaria de pedir que revisem, encarecidamente, o meu resumo e, se for preciso, eu faço as intervenções necessárias novamente. Grata pela compressão!
Dear authors,
The coordination of the Scientific Committee of the VIII International Food Science and Technology Conference has reviewed all the actions in relation to the abstract presented under the title “Influence of banana peel flour on the fermentation process of bread: follow-up of practice in a domestic environment”. One of the requirements to accept a scientific work is the possibility that the experiments that allow obtaining its conclusions can be reproduced. After analyzing the observations of the reviewers and the responses of the authors, this committee concludes that the aforementioned work lacks scientific rigor to be presented at the congress, since it is the replacement of a single level of banana flour, in the that only the way of determining the weight of the loaves is described, while it is not possible to know how the volume, the aroma, the crispness of the crust and the firmness of the crumb were determined. The lack of description of the way in which the experiments were carried out and the lack of relevance of the results obtained lead us to ratify the rejection of the work decided by the reviewers.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee